How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye?
Matthew 7:4 NLT
Have you ever had the desire to tell someone about the ‘problem’ areas you think they need to deal with in their life, only to have them return the favor? If you have, then you know that it is the kind of experience that makes you think twice before you do such a thing again. That’s not necessarily a bad thing either, and here is why.
Jesus makes the above statement after telling his disciples that the judgement they use with others will be the judgment they are subject to themselves. We should take two things from that as we interact with others today.
First, the gospel of Christ is primarily meant to be a mirror through which we view and adjust our own lives. We should be concerned with whether we are living in a way making us worthy to be called Christ’s disciples, more than we are concerned to tell others what needs to be fixed in their lives. Our lives should be worth emulating to the point that others see how we are living and try to do the same.
Second, we should have empathy and grace when we are dealing with other people. Especially when we find ourselves in a position to help them in the areas where they are falling short. Why? Because God has shown grace and mercy toward us in our shortcomings, and we may desire someone else to treat us in a similar way. Today, if you encounter someone who has a ‘speck’ in their eye, use it as an opportunity to evaluate yourself before you offer your words of ‘help.’
Prayer: Lord, today help me treat others with the same grace that I have received from you, and want to receive from other people. Allow me to see myself as you see me, and be grateful for the love and grace you extend to me daily.