Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
Matthew 6:27 NLT
Has worrying ever brought resolution to the matter you were concerned about? When we think of the myriad things we’ve worried about in our lives, our answer would have to be “no.” Yet, we can still find ourselves worrying incessantly over things.
Worry may seem like a benign activity, but worry actually produces results in our lives that are opposite those we desire. Constant worry can lead to anxiety and a host of related physical and life ailments. Fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, irritability, issues on the job, and problems in relationships, can all be the result of the anxiety caused by excessive worrying.
Jesus tells us not to worry about anything. Don’t worry about what we will eat, drink, or wear. He assures us that God knows everything we need, and because he loves us he will care for us. Today, instead of worrying, let us trust God’s love for us. Instead of worrying, let us seek God above all else, knowing that he will care for our every need.
Prayer: Lord, today let me walk assured of your love and care for me. Give me the power to overcome the anxiety that comes with not knowing how you will do what you will do. Let me rejoice in your love for me and excitedly share that love with others. Amen.